Depending on your insurance, you could be covered up to 100%! Our products are FDA registered and considered a Class I Power Wheelchair.

Most Employee (Group) and Individual (Personal) Health Insurance Plans provide coverage for durable medical equipment such as electric wheelchairs. Durable medical equipment coverage is usually part of the extended health benefits coverage, which also covers things like prescription drugs, vision care, hospital services and more.
While insurance coverage for durable medical equipment varies, a TYPICAL plan offers 80% to 100% coverage for durable medical equipment up to a maximum of roughly $5,000 to $10,000 per year. Plans will vary.
There are several other options to have your Travel Buggy covered too:
- Most Unions
- Worker’s Compensation
How Does the Claims Process Work?
Request a Quote
Click here to get a quote for your insurer
Contact Your Insurer
Contact your insurer directly to find out your coverage and if you qualify
Obtain Approval
Insurer will provide approval to purchase your Travel Buggy
Will Medicare Cover The Cost?
Medicare is a complicated process that can take months to years to receive approval for an electric wheelchair. In the rare situation that you are approved for an assistive device, Medicare will typically choose to rent the equipment on the patient's behalf, rather than buy it. They also have a very limited selection of products that they offer and will not cover power wheelchairs that are only needed for use outside the home. Although our Travel Buggy electric wheelchairs would meet the requirements for an approved electric wheelchair, the likelihood that you get one through Medicare is very low.
Medicare only covers DME if you get it from a supplier enrolled in Medicare. We are currently not enrolled in Medicare's Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program. However, we do bill insurance plans directly for our equipment and supplies.
If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan (commonly referred to as a "supplemental" plan) and need DME, don’t hesitate. Call your Medicare Advantage Plan's primary care provider to find out if your plan will provide the DME. If not, you can appeal the denial of coverage for any DME item or service your plan won’t cover and get an independent review of your request for coverage. And don’t forget to check out your Medicare Advantage Plan's cost-sharing obligation for all services—including "supplemental benefits"—in its Evidence of Coverage document.
Call your Medicare Advantage Plan now and ask about DME coverage options. You can get new care under a new Medicare Advantage Plan.
How can I find out if I am approved?
Call your insurance company directly and discuss your needs. They will provide guidance and a step by step process.
Do I need a doctor prescription?
Sometimes. It highly depends on your insurer and plan. We recommend you call your insurer directly to find out.
How long does the insurance claims process take?
Typically 3 to 6 weeks depending on the insurer
Will my Medicare or Medicaid cover the cost of a Travel Buggy?
Unlikely. Medicare will typically choose to rent the equipment on the patient's behalf, rather than buy it. They also have a very limited selection of products that they offer.
Do you offer financing?
Yes. Please visit our financing page to learn more about our offers. This is a great option for those that need a Travel Buggy but have no, or limited insurance coverage.
Will my Health Insurance Plan cover the purchase of a Travel Buggy?
You may be able to have your health plan provider reimburse you the cost of purchasing our products. However, we do not bill any health insurance plans directly.
You should always first check with your specific plan benefits. Call your health plan provider member services or check using their website or mobile app, if applicable. We recommend calling to inquire for a definitive answer, and to determine whether a prior authorization is required, and how to best submit the necessary documentation to your health care plan (i.e. their e-mail address, fax or mailing address for where you'll send your documents.)
When you confirm with your healh plan provider that they will reimburse (all or part of) your purchase, and you have your doctors or treating providers documents, you can proceed to make your purchase.